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So sorry, I've been very busy not watching this forum

So sorry, I've been very busy not watching this forum  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 5/11/2022 11:23:57 AM  +3/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Well said, OII..!

As for you Buddha, you can't ask the same questions and expect a different answer. Sir OIIs comment mirror my own and 3/4 of the country. 

Gas in Reno is 5.25 for 87 octane.


The fact inflation affects the entire world is related to US monetary policy. As the world reserve currency, you can't print 15 TRILlION DoLLARS and not get global inflation. This was because you lefties let the wolf into the hen house and used Covid as an excuse for the biggest financial scam/ heist in human history.

Meanwhile, you obsess about Trumps taxes.

Love you Budda, and in that spirit, I'd advise you to STFU trying to defend Biden.

It makes you look stupid.

I know you aren't stupid, just brainwashed, apparently.

(Were you ever subjected to trauma based mind control as a child?)

(Did Mickey Mouse ever give you candy

take you into the basement at Disney castle when you were on vacation in Florida?

was Brittany Spears on the gurney next to yours? -" look into the bright lights.."

those drugs they injected and all that hypnosis.. you were young, you couldn't handle it!

Dissociation, a normal response to trauma.. Split personality disorder the result? 

On the one hand you appear to be functional in most areas of your life.. you aren't living on a sidewalk in SanFransisco like many Libz...

On the otherhand, you show signs of inability to comprehend the written word.

Sir Observer II was clear in his answers to you. 
Why didn't you understand them? 
Why are you STiLL the Democrats' 


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Why Doesn't Observer answer +2/-2 bladeslap 5/11/2022 7:45:03 AM