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To Bladeslap

To Bladeslap  

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Author: Old Guy   Date: 5/11/2022 2:22:03 PM  +2/-2  

I think it is very telling just how closed minded your are!  This post could go over hundreds of issues that you do not realistically look at.  But, I will just address one.  Why do so many people think the election was stolen.  Because NO ONE has proven it wasn't!  Any evid was just ignored by many.

As issues come up, you can't just believe the election commission, without additional investigation.

You can't have courts drop cases without even viewing evidence.

You can't have Barr make a determination with only 10 days of investigation.

you can't have thousands of people file affidavits and not ask them questions.

you can't have a audit show the election was fraudulent and claim i didn't!

you can't have mail in ballots without verification of the signatures.

you can't allow ballot harvesting and believe all the ballots are real.

you can't accept votes from people out of state or even dead people.

you can't allow private money to be given to election committees.

you can't have the direction the election results change after you remove election inspectors from the room.

you can't have election results change that much that late in the counting process without people questioning it.

you can't have all election norms change over night.

you can't have that many people vote, that has never voted before and has not happened since and have people think those votes are real.

you can't have unsupervised ballot boxes.

you can't take weeks to count the ballots and not have people think it wasn't fair.

you can't change voting laws, voting dates and voting locations and be fair.


Bladeslap there are even more reasons than these, but it is a list as why a majority of people think the election was stolen.  And they do, we have already posted back and forth about th population not believing the election. You must never read post or pay attention.  Try looking at a Rasmussen poll.


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To Bladeslap +2/-2 Old Guy 5/11/2022 2:22:03 PM