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The right wing has turned into an abomination - TBs...

The right wing has turned into an abomination - TBs...  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 5/13/2022 11:07:29 PM  +3/-3  

You have lost your soul. You have lost your coscience. You have a mob boss leader for which you worship. You may stomp your feet and proclaim "I think for myself", just as you read your manuscript about how to think for yourself.

You have let a charlatan, a hoodlum, mob boss who has manupulated you, used you, and made you believe that he actually cares one moticum about you. 

You are little kids who watch cartoons and believe that the roadruner is real. You believe that santa claus is real. You believe the utter BS that Drumpf tells you. You are the new "normal ... the gullbile America. The part of America who has no self-value or worth and relies on a hoodlum, a scam artist, to give themselves some moticum of value.

You are the ones with no value. Ones incapable of thinkign for yourselves. We have reached the point where you are unable to process information for yourselves. You need Trump to tell you how to feed yourselves...

You are slave to him. You are his bitc** - You are all Trump's bi** ...

From here on out, I will refer to you as TBs... Trump's B**** 

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The right wing has turned into an abomination - TBs... +3/-3 bladeslap 5/13/2022 11:07:29 PM