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In other words, he’s a complete failure!

In other words, he’s a complete failure!  

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Author: Old Guy   Date: 5/16/2022 11:57:08 AM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

You are joking, about these right!

1.  infrastructures package, less than half the money is new is new infrastructure spending.  More money went to other programs than infrastructure.  Things like childcare, parental leave, and elder car.  All this bill did was add the inflation.

2.  Covid relief bill, all I can say is inflation - inflation.  Wasn't it our moderator that posted the link that the bill contributed 3% to inflation.  Well more than that!

3.  OK, he appointed more extreme judges, not a major accomplishmen.

4.  Ending federal executions, just one more reason crime is on the increase.

5.  climare change policy,  this maybe one of the major reason our economy is in a down turn!

6.  transgender service members, you call that a accomplishment?

7.  reduced unemployment,  did you know today fewer people have a job then before the virus.  unemployment rate if figured by the number of people that are actively looking for work.  Todate we are back to more people on welfare and the labor participation rate moving the wrong direction.

This are not real accomplishments, but I am sure you can't come up with anything better.

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A place for political discussion +2/-2 Old Guy 5/16/2022 10:30:42 AM