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Big corporations don't seem to have the power they thought

Big corporations don't seem to have the power they thought  

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Author: observer II   Date: 4/23/2022 9:28:30 AM  +3/-3  

Disney, one of the largest corporations just got a shot to the groin. Florida isn'r putting up with their WOKE crap.

You want to destroy family values and support teaching our children sexual deviation, then I guess you don't mind paying your fair share.

No more tax credits for you. How does that sit with your WOKENESS?

That's going to cost Disney north of 10 mil each year.

You see, Florida doesn't need Disney World, Disney World needs Florida.

Welcome to paying your fair share when you promote your liberal policies.

This is what I don't understand. Why on God's green earth would any corporation ever voice their political opinion. Just provide the service you advertise and shut your mouth.

To visit Disney already costs an arm and a leg for a family. So they will probably pass their new tax bill onto the people. The same people that they claim to be helping. Well, guess what, if they couldn't afford to visit before, then they certainly won't be able to swing it now.

So once again, the libs bite off their nose to spite themselves.

So many more examples of this type of self destructive behavior. And yet they never learn. Mind bogeling

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Big corporations don't seem to have the power they thought +3/-3 observer II 4/23/2022 9:28:30 AM