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Here's another great liberal idea backfiring

Here's another great liberal idea backfiring  

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Author: observer II   Date: 4/23/2022 9:40:02 AM  +3/-3  

So the principal of Patrick Henry high school, the largest high school in San Diego wants to eliminate all honors classes because she feels it does not stand for equality.

Well gee principal Irwin, what are you saying? She is clearly saying that minorities simply aren't as smart as the rest of them so we need to hold back the smart ones back so the dumb ones can catch up.

Here's a thought, there's a reason why there are scientists and surgeons in this world while others aren't. They are smarter than us. That's not a bad thing.

So what would happen if we simply do not allow these smarter people to grow and excel? That's easy, progress slows down or eventually stops because there isn't anyone smart enough to carry on.

This is why liberal policies DO NOT work. Their policies NEVER bring people up, they ALWAYS bring people down.

Failing is part of life. It makes people with integrity and character work harder for what they want. Handing them things only hurts them. Life lesson's are a very good thing.

This woman should be removed from her position and handed a job in the cafeteria. She has no business molding any young person because she obviously has no idea how to.

So what are your thoughts about this???

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Here's another great liberal idea backfiring +3/-3 observer II 4/23/2022 9:40:02 AM