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Here's another great liberal idea backfiring

Here's another great liberal idea backfiring  

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Author: Old Guy   Date: 4/23/2022 11:14:30 AM  +3/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

There are two main reasons that the left will never succeed.

Reason (1). Is they always want to regulate the out come.  Such as this example by taking away all class honors, is just taking away one more reason to become successful.  There are many examples of policies that regulate the results   When regulating a equal opportunity to succeed, should be the goal. What has happened is the dumbing down of American.  You can see it in posts on this site, posts from many of the left are so stupid, a reply is a waste of time.  Just how smart is a person that thinks a 6 year old should learn about sexual perversion.

It is the governments job to see that each of us have an equal opportunity to succeed, NOT an equal outcome!

Reason (2).  It is like they do not believe in any individual effort Leading to success.   For some unknown reason they think it takes a big goverment to run anything.  The tenth amendment is totally dismissed.  Everything they want falls under some kind of central planning.  Yet, they don't think they act like Marxist, but they believe in the manifesto!

Do Any of them realize just how incompetent the goverment is.  My dad always said, "if the government made beer, we could not afford it and it would never be in the stores".  He is 100% correct.  I cannot think of one thing the goverment does that is done well!  But that is what the left wants, big goverment, runing our lives, cradle to grave.  

Those are the two main reason the left will never succeed.  AlNd all one needs to do is compare the red states To the blue states and it becomes obvious.  Does Detroit come to mind!

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Here's another great liberal idea backfiring +3/-3 observer II 4/23/2022 9:40:02 AM