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So it appears Pelosi doesn't care about Joe's health and well-being.

So it appears Pelosi doesn't care about Joe's health and well-being.  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 4/23/2022 12:03:10 PM  +3/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Sir OII,

As you skewr the Libs with your "lance of truth" it must be harder these days to decide which lie to attack first!

Libz are Libz because they dot believe in truth. They imagine whatever they believe is truth.
And many know what the truth is, but they support the lie anyway.

Thats because in the end, Libz are selfish and insecure. They don't know from self sacrifice, and need to be in a group spouting "group think" because they are essentially cowards. Standing alone, for truth, scares the hell outta them.

A History of a rebellion for philosophic and religious truth

In 1517 , the Catholic Monk Martin Luther wrote  95 objections to "Catholic indulgences. He nailed them on the door of the cathedral in Wittenberg Germany, a profound act of eccelesiatical rebellion. Luther objected to the practice of paying a "fine" for sins you a common parishioner might plan to commit (before the fact!) -- the money being used to paint the Sistine chapel in Rome, among other excesses involving gathering riches to the Pontificate. 

This practice was an obvious heresy concerning the erstwhile "Catholic" Christian doctrine of sin and atonement. On what basis could the Pope grant absolution in advance of a sin you planned to comit?

Well that uncomfortable truth didn't matter to Rome. And Luther, being a man of conscience and even intellectual integrity couldn't accept or reconcile the obvious hypocrasy. 

Today, the DNC mafia is used by oligarchs and criminals to rape this country -- for money-- while claiming a legitimate moral authority based on law and the Constitution?  The heretical acts of the sitting presidential imposter ( creepy Joe ) is reminiscent of dictatorial abuses scattered through human history. 

Its important to remember, one man can make a change, when empowered by TRUTH.

Back to Luther, his 95 objections were naturally not received well by Rome. Usually such upstarts could be burned at the stake for defying papal edicts, deemed heretics. But the German political leaders resented Roman Papal interference, not to mention they knew Luther was correct-- The church had become corrupt-- for money.

When Trump exposed Creepy Joes involvement in Ukraine under Obama, the criminals closed ranks and impeached him. They lacked the moral authority to do so, and American voters were appalled. The Press meanwhite, doubled down  and promoted the big lie.

When Rome heard of Luthers rebellion, they sent a commission of arch bishops to Worms, Germany. They insisted Luther "Recant" his objections.

Luther refused. It took a lot of balls to do that. The only thing that kept Luther alive was political support from the German monarchs who resented Rome's political influence. 

As the Protestant rebellion grew wider in circle, the Pope found himself standing in deep shit. Luther translated the Bible into German. People learned to read (so they could read the Bible for themselves)

that resulted in:

A thirty year war between Catholic and Protestant sympathizers.

Today we have mindless Libz, and the rest of us. 

Big money and "identity politics" exploited the masses back, then just as it does today.

The new would-be pontiffs are Disney and CNN

But as in the past, they lack moral authority, as they build their kingdom of lies.

Lutheir famously responded to the demand to recant:

" Here I stand, I can do no other. God help me, Amen"

Its time that America steps up, and says the same. 

We're done with this nonsense !

too many 

useful idiots 


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So it appears Pelosi doesn't care about Joe's health and well-being. +2/-3 observer II 4/23/2022 9:47:58 AM