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You’re all over the map, Crowbot.

You’re all over the map, Crowbot.  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 4/26/2022 4:39:08 PM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Youre a poster boy for the internal contradictions that make Libz what they are.

You are a funny man. The very definition of liberalism is lack of coherent philosophy.

I subscribe to the "American conservatism political philosophy" as it was in and before Reagan's administration. I specify that point because there is substantial evidence that Reagan himself "was not Reagan in the last 30(?) years of his life. The Republican Party was overtaken by more reactionary elements at the point.

I am not a liberal in any shape or fashion and I am not a conservative as you define the concept. Your idea of 'conservatism' is very similar to white nationalism.


1. Challenged the historical existence of Saint Paul.(!) 

Provide some historical, non-religious record of Paul's/Saul's existence.


2. Assert "humans" are "animals" without offering any meaningful distinctions. ("very very unique animals" applies equally to all species, from bacterium to German Shepherds, please elaborate!) 

It is a fact that humans are animals, mammals, specifically primates. Don't even go to the 'souls' thing because there is no evidence outside of certain religions that ensoulment is unique to humans.

Humans are intelligent, thinking beings but, again- there is no evidence that that is an absolute distinction.


3. Seem to acknowledge the existence of SIN, but you imagine God's mercy extends to all humans regardless of their spiritual disposition,  which negates the meaning and purpose of the Christian Incarnation, Crucifiction, and atonement. 

That is correct- 'sin' is cultural concept. If God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent in all places and times (I don't disagree) then God is aware of all wrongdoing and forgiving of all who truly acknowledge and repent, then Jesus is unnecessary.

Jesus was a Son of God and very human, mortal man. Jesus or analogues is present in all monotheistic religions in the West. His instructions on how to live a virtuous human life are the indisputable point 


4. Reduce the factual history of Christianity to your opinion, you reduce FAITH to an abstract concept which needs no particular or proper locus.(faith in What? )

Christianity was considered an offshoot of Judaism until what? the second century of the "Common Era"?

Prove faith's validity beyond religion and you have a point. But the exact point of religious faith is that you believe and trust in something that can't be proven. 1+1=2, no faith is required because that is demonstrably so.

Further, I never said religious faith, especially was not particular and specific belief without evidence. If there is evidence substantiating the ultimate point of faith. it is no longer faith, it is an acknowledgement of history.


5. celebrate your own sexual deviance .. (sexting up other men's' wives) and suggesting banging trannies is within the realm of normalcy.

Your basis of your accusation of deviancy in adultery is baseless and culturally biased. I have no interest in "banging trannies". To be honest I don't understand how a man can be a woman or vice versa- what is the point of that confusion? You wanna wear a dress and call yourself Jean instead of John? IDGAF. But forbidding that is a prejudicial behavior. and an abridgement of human rights.


6. Support the Lincoln Project, a perverse organization dedicated to opposing Trump in particular, which imagines the Republican Party as a feckless cooperation with the Democrat Mafia, itself an offshoot of corrupt anti-democratic influences ( big money ) 

Yeppers- "the Lincoln Project, (is) a perverse organization dedicated to opposing Trump in particular". I will repeat a point I often assert: Trump is not and never was a 'Republican'. He openly admitted that he is more a Democrat than a Republican but he saw the Republican Party's chaos and lack of leadership sometime before 2015. Then he moved on that opportunity. He is still not a Republican in historic terms. An analogy that you will resent: Trump, like Hitler saw chaos and took advantage of it. Oddly, he might just be an electable candidate after Biden's presidency, but that rests on the electorate forgetting Trump's 2020 absolute and complete failure as POTUS.

Not to mention January 6 when he supported a criminal attack on the Congress's responsibility in the election. January 6 was Trump's "Watergate moment".  

Your "Dear Leader" Donald Trump is openly anti-democratic and autocratic, as you would expect in a man that never, ever had to subject himself to cooperating with equals.

Oh- and every political system is based on finances. It can't run without the power of adequate money.


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You’re all over the map, Crowbot. +1/-2 Shooting Shark 4/26/2022 11:46:34 AM