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They don't always see the same doctor, but they

They don't always see the same doctor, but they  

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Author: Founding Fathers   Date: 4/27/2022 12:46:07 PM  +0/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

go to the same clinic which has a pool of doctors and together they can't figure out what ails her.

This has been going on since January. Their insurance has what's known as "approved clinics" and "in plan doctors". 

Plus, it's almost impossible to get your medical records sent to a new doctor or clinic, have you ever tried?

I don't care what the doctor is wearing or what color his neck is. I only care that he/she is competent.

Once again you totally miss the point I was trying to make about non-qualified people being allowed to attend advanced schools based on the race or sex vs. being the most qualified.....

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Here's another great liberal idea backfiring +3/-3 observer II 4/23/2022 9:40:02 AM