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No one is Being Anti-Science crofraud. They just don't agree with the scam

No one is Being Anti-Science crofraud. They just don't agree with the scam  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 4/30/2022 4:14:40 PM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

The science clearly is in favor of natural immunity.

How long does natural immunity persist? Who has been proven to have natural immunity? Hope for the best and prepare for the worst and you might, just might live as long as me.


Let's follow the science of th liberal democratic control scheme.

Explain how the vaccine program was a "liberal democratic control scheme".  Science has no politics. Scientists are people and sometimes the opinions expressed are shaped by prejudices, as yours are.



First, they claimed that getting the vaccine would prevent you from getting it............that was a lie.

Science develops, changes as data is acquired. That doean't mean current information and opinions based on that are false, "lies".


Second, they claimed that getting the vaccine would prevent anyone from spreading it...........that was a lie.

See above- an opinion based on current science can not be a lie. A lie requires that it be known as false.


Third, they claimed that getting the vaccine would prevent hospitalization...........that was a lie.

See above- an opinion based on current science can not be a lie. A lie requires that it be known as false. What has been proven is that the vaccine greatly reduces the severity of the infection in most people, reulting in fewer hospitalizations.


Fourth, they claimed that getting the vaccine would prevent death.............that was a lie.

See above. Reducing the severity of the infection and minimizing the hospitalizations results in fewer deaths. I can post studies backing this, if you want.


And in the last 3 years, we have been told to follow the science. All the while they filled our heads with disinformation and only one side.

That's the nature of science, it is very seldom absolute. The science supports everything I've posted. "disinformation and only one side."  That is the most interesting portion of your position- you protest against government control but you allege otherwise.


"And during this entire power move. millions of families lost their careers, lost their families, and lost their sense of worth. Many committed suicide."

Often happens in recessions and the 2020 Trump Flu recession started and developed in the last year of the Trump administration. "We got it under control. It's like 15 people". And "It'll be gone by April."

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Why Being Anti-Science Is Now Part Of Many Rural Americans’ Identity +3/-0 TheCrow 4/29/2022 3:41:12 PM