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So, you got nothing. But you're going to preach that nothing is better than

So, you got nothing. But you're going to preach that nothing is better than  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 9/10/2021 2:57:28 PM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Jetsheep says; "But you're so wrapped up in theanti-science, anti-expert Luddite idioscy that you'll happily tout the tine that's killed more Americans than all our wars combined"

No again, Jetsheep. 

Abortion has killed more people than anything else in this country. Blacks in particular.  For every black person alive in America today, one has been aborted since 1973.

and those abortion deaths are undeniable cause and effect. Covid, and who started it, and why, isn't that clear. you fools blame Trump, but you blamed him for everything. Now this senile old fool who was installed by election fraud ( who you believe is president) has just handed Afghanistan to CHINA.. Creepy Joe is the "Manchurian Candidate" long feared by the John Birchers and "fiction" writers.

And speaking of wars --per capita,  about half the US population died during the "War of the Rebellion" you silly lib. Covid is nothing in comparison And the blacks who survived were later re enslaved by the DNC -- despite Hillary's "super predator" commentary. They have woken up, thanks to Soros sponsored BLzm rioters giving blacks bad name. You Libz are damn folks, racists of the worst kind. Haven't heard any Blm protestors since Creepy Joe was installed, have you? 

Oh yeah, how is the Newsome recall vote going?

Kamala Harris endorses Newsome??

God, you fools are such

useful idiots!


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