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I've got 5 years with boots on the ground in Kabul, alone.

I've got 5 years with boots on the ground in Kabul, alone.   

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 9/11/2021 8:02:44 PM  +2/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

What, you didn't get a parade? 

So now you say "thank you for your service" like all the other sheeple

I guess that's better than being called a "Baby Killer"..You ain't no fortunate son, right? 

Well, here's the deal. Once upon a time USSOCOM commander, General Steiner convinced the Council on Foriegn Relations to tell Bill Clinton to stabilize Bosnia. I was there too, and it worked. Special Forces "FID" mission (Foriegn Internal Defense) worked when the feckless UN did not. That set the stage.

All our so called "Wars" ever since have been Stability Operations. Do you remember Haiti? was that a "War"? No it was a stability operation and SF soldiers are STILL there...

But, with every president who starts something, the stage is set, the players march out and do their job, and they believe they're "serving their Country." In Vietnam it was the "Domino Theory" but it turns out Money and Political Negotiation are also tools (Henry Kissinger, the Paris Accords) and Wars never end well.

The thing is, ever since Clinton, the Bipolar nature of American Politics has created a sort of schizophrenia in American Foriegn policy.  Not only did 2400+ Americans lose their lives in Afghanistan, but ten times that number of Afghanis have and will die in the aftermath. It didnt need to be that way. A coherent American policy in Afghanistan was lost as politics shifted. Creepy Joe gets his marching orders from the CFR too. They are apparently handing Afghanistan to China. The deals recently cut by a collection of Billionares in smoke-filled rooms in NYC aren't accessible to you or me.

As for your question. Apples and Oranges, I'd say. 52,000 dead Americans and millions of refugees in Vietnam from 1965-1975. Afghanistan wasn't the sort of combat you remember, with a few small operations excepted. It was a stability operation, and it worked. The Afghans were much better off with us there.  US military casualties approximated the nominal accident rate of mortality in all services combined over that time.

So blow it out your ass, Crowbot! You have no moral center-- just a paid shill for the DNC mafia, pretending to be a "Conservative Republican" -- obviously with too much time on your hands!

Creepy Joe left American Citizens behind. That is unthinkable. You voted for it.

Useful Idiot!!


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