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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 11/10/2022 11:05:33 PM  +3/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window


The fact the Biden Election was rigged is being demonstrated in this one too..

not to the effect that Biden "won" by fraud,

but to the effect the 4 Senate races contested, the vote count is being delayed.

Arizona leading the way.

it seems to me your Communist masters want to save face.
They know 75% of the country HATES what Biden has done,

the sheer insanity of the Radical Left. 

So even YOU thought there would be a "Red Wave"

and there was, ELEVEN Congress seats won by Republicans from NY !!

"New York!" 
( let that set in for a minute) 

As for Trump, maybe your TDS affliction

maybe your personal recovery will sped on it's  way

(recovering your personal sanity) is someone agrees with you.

So Let me try to agree with you about something.

You and your fellow leftists (and disgusting RINOs)

have always maintained 

"Trump is a Narcissist"

And I have always thought;

" That may be so-- but he's OUR narcissist!" 

(He was right about many things he did, and the Billionaire Elites and "deep state"hated him for it) 

He stood in the way of their Global economic and military expansionist plans .. but I digress)

So the "EnPIRe  StRuCk BaCK "

and they rigged, CLEARLy RIggED

the 2020 presidential election ( installing Creepy Joe!) 

He Printed trillions, and cut off oil. causing global inflation

promoted a proxy war with Russia 

made scared old ladies and woke children wear Covid masks

promoted unconstitutional vaccine mandates under the threat of unemployment 

He Promoted record profits for "Big Pharma"

while He snd Fauci promotEd the "Big Lie" 

" Covid" reduced "essential employees" to second class citizens,

since the 'mandatory' quaranteen rules didn't apply to them..

they were "essential" (!) Did their exposure matter?


Creepy Joe was supported by huge billion dollar Corporations

eho traditionally give billions to the DNC


who " inflated " out of their fixed debt.. 

and will enjoy record profits moving forward

as inflation crippled the wage earners first,

as commodity prices rose

and corporate income increased.

(.. but I digress, Again.)


The point is,

Democrats today have no platform, no popular support, 

their policies have proven disaster (in just 24 short months)

And Americans know this -All -Seventy Five Percent, Agree!

And yet, 

So to avoid the perception and recognition of a "ReD Wave"

the left is dtill dragging their feet

they are the ultimate "election deniers"--

Trump was their first casualty.


Now, Ron Desantis has a massive amount of popular support.

( Especially among us sea creatures here in Atlantis!) 


He is s natural pick for leading the MAGA revolution and leading a"New Republicanism"

(which Trump started when he originally defeated the evil establishment witch, Hillary.)


And now if TRUMP thinks HE should run again,  
And If he does, and if he has the temerity to challenge De Santis,

< as he has already indicated he might>

I'll finnally agree with you:

"Trump is a Narcisisst"

(And sadly    he isn't "Our Narcissist" anymore.. ) 

Maybe he never was. 

But  that's beside the point, at this point.

Feel better now?

So now You can stop seething about the Donald,

(someone actually "agreed " with you sbout something.)


But you'll probably never recognize the degree 

to which you are still a "political puppet"--

The dupe of a destructive and subversive element in 

"American Politics" today..

(if you can even call it that! ) 

Your still a very badly blinded 

Useful Idiot! 





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Question for you useful idiots +1/-4 Old Guy 11/10/2022 4:31:30 PM