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To Bladeslap

To Bladeslap  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 2/4/2023 10:36:16 AM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Besides you being sore Trump got his had handed him, now you're an expert in military and intelligence ...

You think we don't all realize they violated our ourspace? I don't even think you're a pilot, so please don't begin to lecture any of us on the FARs ...

For reasons that both you and may not understand, and for reasons that go far beyond our pay grades, they may NOT want to shoot it down so they can gather intelligence on the device - Perhaps its trajctory is not a risk to the country, and if it does go over a site they don't want it to go over, then perhaps they will consider taking more agressive manuevers ...

There are a multitude of reasons they may want to try to retrieve it without destroying it so that China cannot deny that they did this - They may want to see the technology in it ..They may want to assess the radio transmitters and the tansmitter and reverse engineer the software so they can see what type of things may have been transmitted ...

These are all things your mind doesn't go to - You're not a strategist - you think emotionally and don't understand that there may be things you are unaware of ...

Stop thinking youi're a know it all and have all the answers - You come off as a raging buffoon 

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To Crow +2/-2 Old Guy 2/3/2023 4:19:28 PM