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Trump is missed by this country

Trump is missed by this country  

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Author: observer II   Date: 11/17/2021 10:21:14 AM  +3/-3  

We went from first to laast in record time.

Consumer confidence was the greatest in decades under Trump.

Now it's the worst we've  seen in decades.

Biden's approval rating is bismal at best and getting worse by the day.

Never in the history of this country has more than half of the states suing a POTUS for incompetence anad unconstitutional behavior.

The illegal crossings are the highest ever. And that doesn't count the ones that get away.

And then we have a president that provides a home, free healthcare, free education, free transportation, and a check that makes them wealthy for breaking the law.

And the flip side of that coin is we have millions of people, including vets that are homeless and dying. And our government does NOTHING for them. And in fact, they are denying healthcare for the unvaccinated while their millions of illegals voter base gets a free unvaccinated ride.


This post should make you puke in your lap libs.

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Trump is missed by this country +3/-3 observer II 11/17/2021 10:21:14 AM