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Have you stopped buggering sheep? Now, prove that you stopped.  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 11/22/2021 2:37:45 PM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

The essential point of the article is flawed. The ballots have been counted, auditted, reviewed extensively, all affirm the results reported.

Against that:

"The team's analysis revealed that 923 of 1539 mail-in ballot batch files contained votes incorrectly reported in Fulton's official November 3rd 2020 results. These inaccuracies are due to discrepancies in votes for Donald Trump, Joe Biden and total votes cast compared to their reported audit totals for respective batches. Thus, the error reporting rate in Fulton's hand count audit is a whopping 60%," VoterGA said.

"The team's analysis"?  Of what? They had access to the ballots? No?

Now, suppose that the numbers were correct. Do they change anything? Are they 'significant' error, fraud?

Fulton County Ga Presidential election results, certified:

Biden 381,144  72.65%

Trump 137,240 26.16%

Jorgensen 6,275 1.2%

I believe that would qualify as an indisputable victory in a very high voter turnout. The highest percentage since 1992 when Bill Clinton was elected with a turnout of 80.75% versus 2020s' 77.92%. 

Sounds to me like Trump didn't inspire his his base at all in Fulton County- only 1 in 4 eligible voters took the time to vote for The Donald.

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To Crow +2/-2 Old Guy 11/22/2021 12:50:11 PM