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"Really" Yes, really - but with conditions.

"Really" Yes, really - but with conditions.  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 3/17/2022 11:31:46 AM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Resorting to hyperbole proves you have nothing rational to argue: "Why don't you just go to Ukraine and kill women and children and skip over the middle man!"


First, an analogy which you'll recognize if you've ever had to deal with 3 year old kids. If that kid doesn't want to follow instructions, he pouts, throws tantrums and resists force and penalties.

If there is potential mutual gain, work out of the juvenile tantrum and communicate, advance mutual advantage alternatives to confrontation. Don't cut off your nose to spite your face.

Buying 2% of American oil is something we could avoid if necessary. Thousands of wells are capped, not producing in the Gulf of Mexico right now and I'm sure that is so in all the American proven reserves.

But that 2% is a quarter of Russia's oil exports, their main source of their currency reserves. That is a very effective lever if used correctly, diplomatically.

Forcing that 3 year old to your will is expensive. Forcing Putin to drop the political gain of the Ukranian invasion is so expensive that it will never happen, besides which Ukraine is much, much poorer than Russia. and will cost them much more than any gain in prestige.

Imposing sanctions and increasing directly the cost of his misadventure is effective negative feedback, discouraging further aggression. Putin is struggling to hold power, all this increases his issues.


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Zeleskyy told us like it is +2/-2 Old Guy 3/16/2022 9:32:36 AM