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If I may, I'll give you my opinions

If I may, I'll give you my opinions  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 3/17/2022 1:51:14 PM  +3/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"I know that once Barr wrote his book you loved to post any negative Barr said about Trump."

You may choose to believe that Barr's book is mere political pandering, but he's only provided examples reinforcing the failure of Trump as an administrator, manager and leader- he's none of those qualities.


"But why didn't you post that Barr said he will vote for Trump again!"

How about this: I dislike Trump and believe he is a bad president, but I would have voted for him against any Democratic candidate until 2020. Trump's 2020 abject and broad failures made even Joe Biden look good.


"Or, that Barr is sure that Bidens weak leadership is what prompted Putin to invade Ukraine?"

You've proposed a fiction, speculation as a fact. Putin has long planned and prepared for the Ukrainian invasion, the timing was outside American politics as it is purely a European issue. We got no dog in that fight and won't ever if Putin is persuaded by sanctions that the cost is too high for further adventures.

Putin doesn't give a feck for casualties, Russian or Ukrainian. He intends to loot Ukraine, your typical rape and pillage prinsiples. Perhaps that will offset the effect of sanctions for a while, but the bad taste this puts in the mouth of the Russian population will cost him.

Here's something to put in your pipe and smoke- China occupies lands that Russia typically considered theirs. Does the Ukraine issue reassure Chinese...? I don't think so.

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To Bladeslap +3/-2 Old Guy 3/17/2022 12:35:20 PM