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I Lib mind-control on display …

I Lib mind-control on display …  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 2/28/2022 10:52:51 AM  +2/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

You are exhibit A Jetsheep

the left creates a false boogie man 

and you run and hide under your bed.

to your charges:


Critical Race theory is a leftist thingy. It comes out of the "Frankfurt School of Critical theory" a bunch of Marxists who fled Germany in the 1930s snd spread their shit here. you leftists need to "keep hate alive" in order to Balkanize your party into mailable special interest groups. Race has always been your playground.

Tell ya what Jetsheep, these days conservatism is growing like a wild fire in the Black community. They're tired of your mindless violent racist protests( BLM ) and they have suffered increases in homicides and crime in general sonce you morons "Defunded the police" .. of course a simpleton like you would be too stoned most of the day to realize the fact that when local communities defund police and crime goes up ( by design, another leftist orchestrated crisis) the Federal Government runs in on a white horse and provides new Funding. This of course becomes a de facto federal police force disconnected from local communities. You fools are slaves born to tyranny anyway, so you embrace the meme and never see the hammer coming! 

Conspiracy Theorists?

Lets start with Hilary's infamous "Vast Right Wing Conspirscy" and end with Obama's unmet promises of "Transparency" (you don't need "Transparency" if you ain't hiding sumpthin) and as it turns out the left has a lot to hide.. you hide Hunter Biden to protect Creepy Joe, you hide Bill and Hillary from possible prosecution on any number of factual events-- you ignore Epstine Isalnd wher Democrats bang 15 year olds for sport. You conspire to spie on President Trump, make false allegations, fund fake dossiers, make fake arrest and believe fake news.

I'd call it conspirscy.. and as always you accuse others of what YOU do.

Anti Vaxxers?

Youd need to be blind as we ell as stupid not to see how Covid was played by the left. Everyone played the game to make money. Your party is a criminal political syndicate. Crazy Nancy should be charged under RICO but she'd get off.." not guilty by insanity" not to mention the DNC mob buys influence. RINOs are just willing fall guys who get scraps from the DNC under the table.

Dont worry Jetsheep ., the guy who claims to "be science" ( Fauci) will never face charges for unleashing a pandemic on the world. Too many fellow collaborators ( conspirators) and yes, there were better ways to fight it 

ivermectin for one, even Buddha acknowledged it. But you Vaxced gene therapy experimental victims won't see it coming in a few years when side effects start occuring. Politically you overplayed your hand with Covid-/ but when the Fed is printing 15 Trillion dollars to be distribukted For everything imaginable ( under the name of Covid) then it's kinda hard to turn off the gravy train isn't it? Ask the feckless rescues unions-- now there's a conspiracy! 

QAnON.. you need a straw man, you can have it. The fact that a few  followers of bathe mysterious "Q" actually believe this stuff does not movement make, but it points out how corrupt the left really is, regardless if Q actually exists. I for one don't follow the Qanon thingy, and I knoe of no none who does.

That said I personally know no one who actually voted for creepy Joe besides you, Buddha, the bipolar propagandist Crow, and my beloved 89 year old uncle. My uncle disliked trumps rudeness, his unstatesmanlike behavior. I later showed him Lady Gaga drinking mock blood from a mock human sacrifice at one of DNC chairman John Podestas little suares.. he was appalled, of course. Like many useful idiots he simply was ignorant -- (he reads the newspaper and doesn't have internet.) 

what's your excuse? 

Cult of Trump??

Trump never crosses my mind except when you toolz mention him in every sentence , Trump still rules your lives it seems . Now the fact Trump exposed your corruption makes you rage against him the way the devil rages against God from the depths of hell.. he knows judgmentbday is coming.. as the demons who possessed the demoniac cried out to Jesus at the Sea of Galilee " Son of Man, are you here to torment us before the appointed hour?"

You Jetsheep, are that demoniac. The DNC talking heads are the demons and they are "legion." the "appointed hour" of judgement is coming in November. Meanwhile democrat politicians are fleeing into the pigs and drowning themselves. Trump .. at this point he's more of a philosophy than a person, and he has millions of followers who think you and your kind are crazy. 

Oh yes, your favorite subject, 

99% of this country isn't homosexual -- and the 1% that are probably realize your politicization of their lifestyle/ mental illness/ evolutionary maladaptive genetic mutation --or how ever you want to view it -- doesn't serve their interests in the long run. In reality, gayness is usually a symptom of sexual deviance which the left embraces in many other areas. Mainstream America is growing deaf to your weirdness, and that isn't homophobia -- no one fears homos -- they just font need the political propaganda or the school curriculum shoved down the throats of 10 year olds. 

Thats for now.

Dont worry about getting banned here-- Buddha's hypersensitive snowflake censorship has obviously failed. You can call me names and vice versa. That may offend Buddha's sensibilities but he isn't lord and master over what we think, weither we say it here or not. I completely disagree with you on most subjects, but I'll defend to the death to verbally insult me and what I stand for.

I also reserve the right to call you a 

Useful Idiot!






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I fully expect to be banned from this forum and I don't care... +0/-2 Jett 2/27/2022 10:35:20 PM