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Author: observer II   Date: 12/30/2021 7:29:52 AM  +2/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Look at the vodka queen Pelosi, she's already planning her departure.

Funny how it's in a blue state. A state she has criticized for years. Hypocrit

I hope her house is taken by a hurricane her first year. Maybe then she'll leave and never come back.

Floridians don't want that kind of trash littering their shores.

Harry Reid bailed in the traditional way. They praised him like he was a saint. Funny how that works after someone checks out. Greatest guy ever....yada yada yada

Can't wait to hear the lies they tell about biden

The liberal democrats are right now playing their last hand. The American people have had enough. They didn't lay down like these craazy libs thought they would.

We have enough sheeple that will be begging to rejoin this country once we have it back. And we will take them in because we aren't the violent, non-tolerant people they are.

I'm looking forward to a great year ahead

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What’s up Libz? +2/-3 Shooting Shark 12/30/2021 6:31:19 AM