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It's easy mod. All you have to do is start accusing people of it

It's easy mod. All you have to do is start accusing people of it  

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Author: observer II   Date: 12/30/2021 11:23:27 AM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

You libs have the tactic down pat.

You see, when anyone posts.......ANYTHING.........just call it hate. It usually catches on.

But not in this case fella's.

Our posts are factual and sometimes blunt. Most people can handle that. All Americans can handle that. Libs, well, not so much.

Now that statement right there will be conscrewed as hateful to a lib. And rightfully so.

You see, libs can't handle the truth!!! Don't you love that part of the movie???

All that being said, it's good for you guys to maintain that dialogue as it will be the death of you. Being hateful takes up more time and energy, and produces stress the body doesn't need. Especially when your bodies should be fighting the Vid.

Hey libs, did you know it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile?? It's true. I'm not going to post a source on that

Anyway, I hope your new year is more pleasant than ALL the previous years.

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How do you get to the point of rage hate and ignorance like Old guy and Obs +2/-0 Kraus 12/30/2021 10:00:42 AM