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Name Calling?

Name Calling?   

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 1/4/2022 8:04:15 AM  +0/-0  

Well, Buddha, name calling is apart of the fun here.

Besides, for at least a decade and many thousand posts I've ended every message with a descriptive phrase


which, as you know was a phrase attributed to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin-- intended by him to celebrate the fact that 

even though the Soviet Communist Party was run by lying, murderous,  psychopaths 

( much like the Democrat Party today in the USA )

Lenin saw there were stupid people who supported that that regime-- at the expense of themselves and their fellow peasents. 

They were USED because they allowed themselves to be USEFUL
They were IDIOTS by the clinical definition of the term-- self absorbed to the point of politics blindness.

80 years and 100 million deaths later 

and 1/2 the population working in slave labor camps ( GULAGS) 

Gorbechev was forced to admit to himself, in its then existing state 

The Soviet Union was doomed.

not enough

"Useful Idiots"


So it may go here 

unless you leftist people wake up 

and stop believing and promoting the "BIG LIE"

all that aside, 

If you're gonna stop the name calling, where will you draw the line?

Jetsheep for example, needs his slogans and one-liners. We are all "white nationalist" "extreme righties" and " "Q-Anon conspiracy theorists". If you don't let poor Jetsheep call us names he won't have much to say, I fear. Sorta like muzzling a dog.  He's only got one bark, dontchaknow!... 

As for your surrogate avatars ( Krause , Grim Reaper) we know you Buddha. using more than ONE pen name is a form of a lie,- and should be banned as well, if you're gonna start the "Netfriction Reformation"

And then,  What will Crowbot (the paid "internet troll" here ) do if he can't call Trump names for a penny a post? That's his reason for living, and besides being a side gig, it's a form of therapy. If you take that away, he might become despondent and end up on page 23 of the Atlanta Constitution and Journal ( "Angry frustrated mentally ill white msn man holds up traffic in the center of I 275 wearing a sandwich board" "God Hates Trump".. ) 

You need to give him an outlet, Buddha. It keeps him balanced, sorta.

And you, my friend, can't play amature psychologist here without your usual labels --" name calling " in a passive aggressive sort of way.  "By the same standard you judge, you will be judged"

So maybe you're  overreacting a bit with this whole "play nice" thing?

For the record, I still intend to post and end every one of them with the accurate descriptive phrase 

"Useful Idiots"

if the shoe fits--wear it! 

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Name Calling? +0/-0 Shooting Shark 1/4/2022 8:04:15 AM