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I can agree with you to some extent on that...

I can agree with you to some extent on that...  

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Author: Jett   Date: 8/20/2021 2:01:09 AM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

From day one all the way through today, there have been mistakes, bad judgements, and some projections that were simply wrong. But on the other hand there was/is a hell of a lot of "OJT" going on with this thing. Even the closest things like SARS and Ebola, they were hardly more than a drop in the bucket compared to COVID 19. 

No one alive today has ever been through something of this scale, the last comparable was the 1918 Spanish flu. Truth be known, there's a hell of a lot of guessing going on with COVID. 

The one thing that most experts have agreed on is that the vaccines save pain, misery, and lives. All the proof we have so far overwhelmingly supports that. 

I understand that an individual for whatever reason may decide not to get vaccinated, but what I don't get is those who are encouraging others to not get vaccinated. Elected officials, Preachers, and right wing talking heads are all guilty of endangering their fellow Americans. This is wrong on any level...


For probably the 25th time on this forum, I do not live in California, I am not from California, and I was not born in California. I lived in California for two years in the late seventies because the company I was working for at the time sent me there. Other than that I spend most of my time in California in airports...         

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