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You are such a fool

You are such a fool  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 9/24/2021 1:02:22 PM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Let me translate what you wrote, Old guy:

>> Now after just a short time in office he is a complete failure

What is Old Guy are really trying to say?

"I don't care what Biden does, I'll just call him a failure. I won't look at the facts, but i'll cherry pick anything possible. In his first 6 months, I'll call him a failure, no matter what."

Old guy, Trump was the worst president this country has ever had. Historians ranked him 2nd from last, his public opinion polls over 4 years were the worst of any president for as long as we have been keeping records.

He single handedly lowered our standing throughout the world, eroded our reputation, killed more than 500,000 because he downplayed Coronavirus...

He was impeached twice, was caught lying under oath multiple times, and blackmailed a foriegn government for his own personal political gain.

He lied more than all the last 10 presidents combined, just in the 1st year in office, and has been diagnosed by mutliple mental health professionals as Narcisistic Peronality Disorder. 

His own Niece, a psychologist, calls him a sick human being. His own sister, a federal judge, not knowing she was being recorded, mocked people like YOU for supporting him.

So, that just simply makes you a pawn being manipulated by him. You're not bright enough to understand the level that he owns you. That's okay, we still love you



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