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Who gives a shit what trumplican conservatives think?

Who gives a shit what trumplican conservatives think?  

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Author: Jett   Date: 9/25/2021 5:19:31 PM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I'm cool with old school conservatives, Reagan conservatives are a good example. These new Extreme Right Trumplican Cultists are a completely different breed. January 6 was a perfect example of who these people are, these are not patriotic Americans, they are idiots trying to rip our country apart.

Flipper, you are so hyper focused on "Biden Didn't Win" that you can't see what really happened, trump Lost. That's what the election was all about, not Biden Winning, but trump Losing. Americans didn't say Yes to Biden, they said No to trump and the Extreme Right.

Your crying about "conservatives voters confidence", I don't care about that bull shit, trumplican conservatives are a Stain on our country. You are absolutely wrong, I know of no fraud to amount to anything in the past election. A clown who wears orange makeup told you the Big Lie for a year leading up to the election, and you took that hook, line, and sinker. You're in a Damn Cult Flipper, your mind is not your own.

You're incapable of thinking for yourself, your mind is owned by conspiracy theories and you're consumed by pizza parlors and far flung nonsense like QAnon. 

I hope for your sake that you can find a way to get those demons out of your head, because they are going to destroy you... 


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