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And why is it that it is we that are so misinformed??

And why is it that it is we that are so misinformed??  

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Author: observer II   Date: 9/30/2021 10:39:56 AM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Let's first start with the data collection. There have been soooo many instances of false reporting and lack of reporting that it is impossible to believe anything they say at this point.

Vermont is the most vaccinated state we have and yet there hospitalazation / death rate is over 90% vacccinated people.

Now, we have a group of scientists / doctors that say you should get the vaccine.

Then, we have a group of scientists / doctors that say you shouldn't get the vaccine.

So tell me why one side is completely dismissed and not talked about.

Let's talk about NY healthcare workers. You've got hundreds of nurses, etc... that refused to get vaccinated and were fired. Lost their livelihoods, some lost their careers and the ability to support their familes. They were all willing to lose their jobs over this. WHY??????

Those people were at ground zero, they see, hear, and witness things we will never know about. Yet they were fired over non-compliance. 

So what is it that they know? I personally want to know why those people refused it. I want to hear their stories............but we won't, will we.

Call me misinformed if you want. But this is not constitutional in any way. And there is a real reason why this is happening.

Question is, are you goinig to be another sheep? Or are you going to do your due dilligence and make a common sense decision that will effect your life???????

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