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Orthrostatic Hypertension

Orthrostatic Hypertension  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 10/20/2022 11:16:06 AM  +3/-3  

The discussion on JH about Covid Shot related adverse reactions was informative. The poster said he had a adverse reaction to the second booster shot, lost consciousness due to a low blood pressure event. Had no prehistory of heart problems. 

The FAA, he said, has no protocols for clearing him- recognizing as they do the fact that this experimental MRNA  vaccine has side effects that can be permanent. So he's permanently lodged in FAA medical hell, no medical for him, and so no job. 

What was typical in that discussion ( and also on here, Buddha's  comments) was the DENIAL and outright dismissal of this guys comments. He had to br a Troll" -- He must have been "LYING"-- " the vaccine is safe and effective" the mantra was repeated again and again, as you Lib brainwashed lemmings repeated the official position of the pharmaceutical influenced medical boards.

Then in typical Lib fashion, you tools have the temerity to call dissenting Doctors and medical scientists who say otherwise ( at great professional an personal peril) "Science Deniers".., it's galling to a responsible person who sees these events everyday.

Why are Libs locked into this false narritive? It's simple really. They are minority collectivists, politically speaking. They want government to define "truth" however much that truth may in fact differ from reality. They accept proven falsehoods hook line and sinker to protect their unique minority special interests which derive from government force against the majority. 

And so mask wearing, Covid shot mandating, media disinformation and outright lies must be employed to protect their "truth"-- When someone that the JH poster conflicts with their agenda, they must be silenced and denied.

California Gov Newsome is busy revoking medical licenses for Doctors who don't conform to the party line. Fauci made a personal fortune hyping this crap to timid old women, woke children, and minority special interest groups--who fear their "rights" may be threatened if the inconvenient truth was ever realized.

November Mid terms- This all changes, hopefully. 

Let the investigations snd prosecutions BEGIN! 

That said, I have my doubts that the truth will prevail. 
Let's face it, this is about Global Billionares who's

expansionist plans were temporally thwarted when Hilly got thrown under the bus.

Actual "democracy" elected Trump. Actual working middle class voters had their say,

So the "Empire Struck Back"

An on the side of the Truth, it appears individuals don't matter.

Not parents, school boards matter!

Not small Business, printing 4 trillion and causing inflation matters!

Not some poor schmuck helicopter pilot with a permanently damaged cardio vascular system matters, the NARRITIVE matters!

Yeah, and a corrupted, compromised, demented old fool who destroys US oil production and defunds police and supports abortion and promotes massive illegal immigration was FRAUDULENTLY installed to show the poor and voting / working middle casses "who Boss"-- The Money and Global Elite Matter! 

Go back to your silly Trump bashing now.

Useful Idiots! 



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Orthrostatic Hypertension +3/-3 Shooting Shark 10/20/2022 11:16:06 AM