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Old Guy complained Trump - Trump is all we get, with some BS added occasion

Old Guy complained Trump - Trump is all we get, with some BS added occasion  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 10/25/2022 5:45:08 PM  +3/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Old Guy complained "Trump - Trump is all we get, with some BS added occasionally, but never any political agenda from the left."

Conservative Republicans make the same complaint:  "Trump - Trump is all we get, with some BS added occasionally, but never any political  (position, philosophy) agenda from the left. edit: extreme right wing reactionary Trumpists"

"Trump, Trump, Trump!" is not the answer to all issues. Yes, there was a time- 2016, when Trump was the answer to some of the 46.1% of the electorate's issues. Or, a better option than Hillary????


"Well we know why!  That shit from the left has proven it does not work, you can't post about comp failures.    Your leader is basically brain dead, yet you still support him.  And yes Biden is dumb enough to get us into WWIII.  He is basically on the way!" You can complain about Biden and his failures. But- you can't complain about those who voted for him without showing how really, really badly they believed a Trump presidency would be.



And they were right- Trump screwed the COVID-19 pooch 'bigly'. That single issue cost him reelection:

The sharpest economic contraction since the Great Depression;

A record unemployment rate;

A million+ Americans killed by COVID-19 

While he could have initiated public health measures to control (as much as possible) the oncoming epidemic, he was busy lying to Americans:

Jan. 22: A reporter asks if there are worries about a pandemic. Trump responds:

“No. Not at all. And we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s — going to be just fine.”

Jan. 24: Trump tweets, “It will all work out well.”


The Mar a Lago Moron has proven that he is incapable of considering American interests- It's always and completely what he wants for himself at that moment.

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Would Creepy Joe start WWIII. +4/-4 Shooting Shark 10/24/2022 7:45:49 PM