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Sorry about that, fat fingers

Sorry about that, fat fingers  

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Author: Citizens for sanity   Date: 10/31/2022 5:30:11 PM  +2/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

What we should really be asking ourselves is why someone like Pelosi doesn't have a security system.

SHe lives in a fortress, yet a full grown man was able to scale her concrete walls without detection, walk across the entire yard without detection, break down an exterior door and proceed to navigate through that house long enough to find the bedroom where he found Mr pelosi without detection.

He was obviously looking for Nancy which tells me he isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Reports are saying that this man was an illegal alien and has had several run-ins with the law.

Now this man will spend the rest of his life in prison for his evil act.

But to put this into perspective, where was the outrage when Kavanaugh and his family was threatened by some nutcase. 

Additional security was suggested and dismissed for the judges.

Yet there is already talk about adding security to politians and their families.

That seems to be yet another waste of taxpayers money. There are very few politicians these days that aren't wealthy. So they should provide their own security if they feel the need for it.

The point here is that nothing seems to get the attention of a democrat until the concern arrives at their doorstep.


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What is the truth +3/-3 Old Guy 10/30/2022 4:13:43 PM