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Here's a bit of misinformation from the democrats in the GA senate race

Here's a bit of misinformation from the democrats in the GA senate race  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 11/1/2022 12:53:40 PM  +2/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"And let's not forget that Atlanta is 80% black, while Denver is 80% white. Kinda silly when you put the facts together seeing that according to the democrats, voter suppression only affects the black community."

First, Atlanta is not "80% black":

"Black Americans are the largest racial minority with 32. 4% of the population, up from 28. 9% in 2000. The city of Atlanta has long been regarded as a "black mecca" for its role as a center of black education, political power, wealth, and culture. From 2000 to 2010, the geographic disbursement of blacks in Metro Atlanta changed radically."

The Republican insistance on "securing the ballot" is effectively the 'literacy requirement' of the early 20th century. It is not necessarily directed against any single voter but it adversely affects minority voters much more than it does non-minority voters. It is interesting that the Republican's panties are all knotted up to restrict certain grooups from voting. Just another way of limiting the franchise to educated white men of property.

Kemp is not responsible for any Atlanta hospital closing. That's a direct result of Georgia's shytty health insurance laws and the community's refusal to adequately reimburse hospitals for health care for impoverished or indigent Georgia citizens who they are obligated by law to treat.

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Here's a bit of misinformation from the democrats in the GA senate race +4/-4 Citizens for sanity 10/30/2022 2:03:53 PM