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Author: bladeslap   Date: 11/26/2022 10:36:13 PM  +4/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Trump: There was no quid pro quo with Ukraine and I did not withhold payment so that they announce an investigation into Joe Biden

John Bolton (His National Security Advisor in WRITING):  The hotly-anticipated book, which gained notoriety during the impeachment proceedings against Trump when Bolton refused to voluntarily testify, confirms the “quid pro quo” arrangement with Ukraine at the heart of Trump’s impeachment, which Bolton describes as “bad policy, questionable legally and unacceptable as presidential behavior.” But in the former national security adviser’s recounting, Trump’s attempt to tie funding to Ukraine to receiving political favors is far from the only time that Trump tried to use U.S. foreign policy to improve his reelection chances. “I am hard pressed to identify any significant Trump decision during my tenure that wasn’t driven by reelection calculations,” Bolton writes. (And yes, I read the book and that's exactly what he said, among other things)

Trump: When i get into office, I will eliminate the Deficit and Debt

Reality: Obama Decreased the deficit every single year in office and left with about a 500 billion dollar deficit. Trump more than doubled it in a few years, even though he said his policies would reduce it


Trump: We are going to replace obamacare with something far far better 

Reality: His version never came to be - There was no other "plan"


Trump: Biden is goign to eliminate your pre-existing conditions clause

Reality: Biden and Obama are the ones who put that into law - Trump was the one who was going to eliminate it with his yet-to-be baked up plan


Trump: Jan. 11, 2017: Trump tells reporters that he has "no deals that could happen in Russia because we've stayed away," adding that he could "make deals in Russia very easily" but "I just don't want to because I think that would be a conflict."

Reality: While he was CAMPAIGNING for the presidency, in 2015, he signed a letter of intent (which is publicly available for which i will provide a  link) to build Trump Tower in Moscow. Trump signed off on Moscow project during campaign: Giuliani | Reuters. And further to that, Cohen pleaded guilty last month to lying to Congress about the negotiations over a Trump Moscow project, which continued until June 2016 when Trump was securing the Republican nomination


SO Yes, Trump has been caught in numerous lies over and over and over ... If you don't see that, you're about as blind as they get ... You don't need fact checkers when his own attorney, Guilianni admits "Oh yes, well it looks like he did sign that document" ... and then his own attorney is found guilty for lying to congress about the Moscow deal -


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Old guy just buried himself ... +4/-1 bladeslap 11/26/2022 8:10:52 AM