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The name is Citizens for Sanity sir, Obsy is AWOL

The name is Citizens for Sanity sir, Obsy is AWOL  

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Author: Citizens for sanity   Date: 11/27/2022 10:20:37 AM  +3/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

You're correct, we still hear bits and pieces about the raid on Trump's home. But that is because they want this to stay on the front page to ensure Trump won't be nominated.

Exactly what my post pointed out.

Biden was responsible for the Ukraine strongarming, yet Trump was the guilty party. Explain how that could have happened. Especially whem Biden was  recorded holding them hostage.

So do I think Trump gets treated fairly???????????? Absolutely not.

But rest assured, Trump won't be found guilty of anything.

If he had no intentions of running for POTUS. None of this would be happening. 

I think you knw that to be true. This is not about guilty, or not guilty. This is abouot destroying Trump's chances of running.

Think about that

And what have you done with Sir Observer II.

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A question you have to ask yourself +5/-5 Citizens for sanity 11/26/2022 9:53:31 AM