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Thank you for the name calling and avoiding the question

Thank you for the name calling and avoiding the question  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 11/30/2022 3:34:17 PM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Before you dig yourself into a deeper hole, educate yourself a little - An analysis by a Republican so you can finally see that there IS a big difference between the two ... 

In Clinton's case, the most sensitive "top secret" information on her servers was deemed by authorities to be "relevant to" and "associated with" a tightly-guarded "Special Access Program" -- and the inspector general said that "investigators found evidence of a conscious effort to avoid sending classified information, by writing around the most sensitive material."

"It's not unusual for folks with clearances to sometimes discuss classified matters in unsecure settings," said Tony Mattivi, a former federal prosecutor who coordinated the Justice Department's counterintelligence and counterterrorism cases in Kansas. "You can't always be in a [secure room] when you need to talk to some people or do certain things, so the way you do that is talk around the classified part. ... [But] that's very different than possessing classified material."

In contrast, federal authorities have recovered from Mar-a-Lago more than 100 "unique documents" marked "secret" and dozens of other documents marked "top secret," including "Special Access Program materials," according to the Justice Department and National Archives. Some of those documents marked "classified" were found inside Trump's desk in his office, the Justice Department said.

Accordingly, there "is a meaningful distinction" between Trump's alleged handling of classified documents and what the Justice Department's inspector general says transpired in the Clinton case, according to Mattivi, a Republican who recently lost a primary race to become attorney general of Kansas.

No, the FBI's Trump investigation is not just like the Hillary Clinton email probe. Here's why - ABC News (

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Special Council - Old guy +5/-2 bladeslap 11/29/2022 10:08:15 AM