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You have provided no proof, just Republican Talking Points

You have provided no proof, just Republican Talking Points  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 1/5/2022 9:00:20 AM  +0/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Suggest you try to post without being so emotional; look at facts


1. Biden has ZERO to do with fuel prices - That is a republican talking point. Gas prices are sky high through the entire world. I get it, you have nothing else to attack him on, so you have to latch onto a republican talking point.

2. Please find any proof that Biden is somehow responsible for gas prices going up WORLD WIDE

3. Gas prices started going up while Trump was in office and continued rising

4. They are a function of supply & demand - Demand went way up when the pandemic ended and OPEN decided against increasing production

So, please provide is some proof that Biden is resposible for prices rising

Again, inflation overall has nothign to do with the president. It is happening throughout the world as a result of the opening of the economy.

You can keep repeating the marketing points of have that right. Inflation has gone up throughout the world. IT's not only A US phenomena.

Let's chat next year and see if infalation stabilizes.

Unlike you, I'll show facts to backup my argument, rather than repeating talking points for which you zero to back them up

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Shooty, your post was hidden +1/-0 bladeslap 1/4/2022 8:10:12 AM