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Very simple Mr moderator

Very simple Mr moderator  

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Author: observer II   Date: 1/5/2022 9:56:10 AM  +0/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

When Trump was in office, we were energy INDEPENDENT.

Do we agree on that?

Biden's first move was to reverse everything Trump did.

Do we agree on that?

This country was in the best shape it has been in for decades. The numbers and the quality of life proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt.

I get that you hate Trump with an unhealthy passion. I didn't agree or like everything the man did either. 

He wasn't very presidential. And he wasn't an elogant speaker. But the man got things done. And he knew how to do it.

I'll tell you what scares me today. And that's Biden.

He's just like obama was, loves to redraw lines in the sand.

Trump drew a line and people knew not to cross it. Democrats criticized him for his unpredictability. that was one of his best qualities.

That's exactly what you want from a POTUS.

What happens when China invades Taiwan???

What happens when Russia invades Ukraine???

That's what scares me.

Oh yeah, have you bought a vehicle lately?????????

Another Biden failure

You voted for him budha. And you claim that you love the direction we are going in. I don't believe you

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