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We Went Through This Once Already With…  

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Author: obumazombie   Date: 6/21/2021 9:20:19 AM  +1/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

CroWalt left.

He tried to get me to admit I said something about a Spencer guy.

I never said anything about him until CroWalt left or some other lib did.

I had never even heard of the guy.

I don't know anything about this q person.

I saw pictures about a guy in a buffalo hat.

If that is the q person I condemn his choice in fashion and headwear.

On the subject of Andy Ngo, I have not heard one lib condemning his antifa attackers, because antifa and BLM and the occupoopers to a lesser extent are the enforcement arm of the libz.

Why would you condemn them?
They are imposing your destructive lib agenda.

And I have never heard one of you libz condemning any of the voluminous violence they have committed.

Any criticism on the part of conservatives against these violent groups is met by libz with accusations of racism.

You libz overused that so much, it actually demeaned real racism, and produced the cry wolf effect.

Now since racism is being ignored, libz like the Chicago mayor are trying to substitute one for the other, and trying to get away with calling it terrorism...

Everything you libz do is an attempt to rip this country apart from inside.

Turn everything inside out while smugly thinking you are doing a...


Good job Goodlibs!

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