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Do you think is is right or wrong to protect American Monuments?

Do you think is is right or wrong to protect American Monuments?  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 6/21/2021 11:42:50 AM  +1/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"What monuments are you referring to". Means you have again made up your mind and do not know what the executive order was about.  How in the hell can you make up your mind and post negative things about Trump and not even know or understand what the issue is."

Oh, I understand the text, subtext or Trump and Trumpism pretty freakin' well. And I've lived in the South long enough to know exactly the nature of the monuments you're worried about. A lot of my neighbors and local relatives are supporters of the gallant 'Lost Cause'. Talk to them about 'The War' and it ain't a remote, historical event. Many will not allow the slavery aspect into the discussion, it was 'states rights'. To have enslavement, yeah, but that ain't it!

They look at heroes like Lee, Jackson (He's a local boy) solely theough the lens of their fights in the war. I admire the individuals but not the cause. And there it is: Trump isn't a philsophical sort. Perhaps he likes statuary and heroes and never thinks about what it is they did. That would be my guess seeing his admiration for Putin, other autocrats.

The fact that they were fighting to destroy the USA isn't significant  to "lost Causers" because it didn't happen and they exist in the unexamined reality of the surving United States prosperity. They can't imagine the different America had the Secession been successful.

Would slavery still exist? It's likely because the powerful never relax their grip on power voluntarily, even though the thoughtful slave-owners imagined a future without enslavement- a distant future. The Slave States would be even poorer than they are now, after the destruction in The War- slavery impoverishes the producers who can't afford slave labor.

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