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conservative Republican since 1968. Not, repeat- NOT a member of the cult

conservative Republican since 1968. Not, repeat- NOT a member of the cult   

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 6/25/2021 10:54:01 AM  +2/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

conservative Republican since 1968.

Not, repeat- NOT a member of the cult of personality that is the current Trumplican Party.

I supported Rand Paul financially.

I opposed and oppose Trump every step of the way and voted for a good Republican in 2016- Evan McMullin. There was no credible Republican candidate in 2020 and in that absence and in a desperate attempt to avoid another Trump presidency, I voted for Biden who at least trends a practical centrist and competent political administrator.

Not a Biden fan now or ever. His political and administrative competence is welcome after Trump, but that's it. His politics are not mine. Do I think he could work with a Republican? The infrastructure bill is proof.

Not an Obama fan either. Obamacare is and was a major screw up. On the other side of that, the Republicans could have better served America by fixing Obamacares flaws instead of chopping it into poorly functioning remnants. But, hey! The current extreme polarization means attack, discredit and diminish your opponents. They wouldn't consider Obama's SCOTUS nomination because it was an election year, 9 months before the election. But they'd seat Trump's SCOTUS nominee in an election year, WEEKS before the election.

Not a Clinton fan, either of them. Both politically competent administrators and many consider Bill's presidency a successful conservative presidency.

Finally, I was not a Carter fan. An extremely good and intelligent man, he came to the presidency like Trump did, with no real preparation for the job. He did, however, provide the venues and diplomacy that resulted in the Camp David Accord.

That's my voting history, until Trump 2020 I supported and voted Republican, since 1968.


Now, the conservative side:

I believe in individual freedom. If you're not harming anybody else....

I believe limited government. Especially no autocrats.

The rule of law. That applies to the rich, elected officials-everybody.

Peace through strength. That is not limited to military capability alone.

Fiscal responsibility. The taxpayer will eventually bear the burden and pay the cost.

Free markets. This is America's strongest point. Until state capitalism emerged in one of the most populous countries in the world- China, America absolutely dominated world trade. That gave America enormous political power and advantage in diplomacy.

Trump wasted 4 years in empty anti-China rhetoric (while he, his family made money in China) instead of negotiating mutually profitable economic pacts. I'll bet that during the entire Trump presidency, the PRC never diminished their investment in under-developed economies, the 'shit-hole countries' in Trump-speak. They're there, building influence even if those governments are percieved of as being Western oriented.  The PRC has a massive workforce, including some with advanced technology training- America should be profiting from that, not fighting it.

Human dignity, irrespective of race, nationality, religion or sexual orientation.

Review my posts- I have never posted anything that contradicts those principles. To a Trumpist, those principles are 'liberal', aren't they?

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