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You Just Told Yet Another Lie. The Author…

You Just Told Yet Another Lie. The Author…  

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Author: obumazombie   Date: 6/29/2021 2:02:45 AM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Who compiled this list of documented lies by the driveby media, is not Trumplican, or this q person you keep talking about.

I bet you don't even know who compiled this list, even though it was cited from below, and you are just lying by accusing someone you don't know, of doing something you don't know they did.

You achieved your objective by constantly lying about Trump, with fake news, very fake news, and enemy of the American people content.

You may have even believed some of the stories were true at the time, or even wanted the stories to be true.

But now, enough time has gone by to assess the veracity of the stories, and over 150 media stories were complete lies. Half of them were allegedly but falsely fact checked, by so called fact checkers.

The stories have been proven to be lies by verifiable sources, some of whom were the original sources of the stories that they made up as complete lies. 
So, you won't be able to use the lie that assails the credibility of these confirmed lib lies.

You would not have achieved your goal with truth and honesty. Only with your hatred, and predilection for lying got you to your goal.

And you admit the means to get there was worthy to get Trump out.

Because the ends justify the means to libz.

That means whatever dirty, underhanded, slimy, hateful, corrupt, backhanded, double crossing, back stabbing dishonest means, it all goes to the goal which you libz deemed worthy.

I don't know what you mean by the big lie.

You libz questioned the hell out of the 2000 election, and told anyone who would listen that is was stolen. You did the same for the 2016 election when the so called most qualified candidate ever got her arse handed back to her on a silver entitled platter.

Too bad if you libz don't like it that someone questions this election.

There are plenty of irregularities that need to be questioned and properly answered about this election before any trust can be restored to the entire election system.

You should have just let me rant about how bad you libz lied to lie Trump out of office.

You are going to regret giving me the ammo you did, with the admission you gave, if I have anything to say about it, lib.

Even though I don't have any say in any...

Good job Goodlibs!

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