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How does one respond to such gross ignorance?

How does one respond to such gross ignorance?  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 10/3/2022 4:18:00 PM  +4/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"It started with Obama, as he begin to put people into groups, then pitting groups against each other.  The left ( feminism, antifa, blm, marism, socialism, communism,environmentalism, etc) is dividing America."

A high school classmate of mine believed dinosaurs, etc., were made up, works of fiction; and that the world might be as old as a couple hundred years? Is that you, Joe? The "left, liberals, Democrats, socialists, communists, Communists...." each has a single principle that identifies them and separates them from 'real Americans" who must all believe as you wish.

Your citation proves my point- you and your ilk are dividing America, you insist on dividing people into groups to which your assign monolithic and uniform principles. Bigotry, pure and simple.

Ever heard of McCarthyism? Is/was that 'leftist'? Is fascism leftist? TrumpeRINO frog boys and their grand and perfect object of worship, Donald Trump drift ever closer to classic fascism.... Sieg heil, Donald Trump!

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What has Biden done +4/-4 Old Guy 10/2/2022 5:21:33 PM