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Let's be fair about this, many diseases to list, if you are going to contro

Let's be fair about this, many diseases to list, if you are going to contro  

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 8/25/2021 12:39:59 PM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

 "Let's be fair about this, many diseases to list, if you are going to control it, control it all." 

That's irrational. I hope you don't live by that maxim- if you can't help everybody don't help anybody. A really good example of the god, a rephrasing of a Voltaire passage: "Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien."

Literally, "The best is the enemy of the good."

How about always help anybody you can?

That's what the vax does- it doesn't completely prevent infections, it reduces the incidence of life-threatening illness, which is closely correlated to high virus loads and spreading the virus. Here's an analogy- if you're going to crash your car, would you try to slow down before impact? Is it better to crash at 5 mph or 75 mph?

Reducing your virus load if you're infected is somewhat protecting everybody around you, it reduces your viral bloom.

If this issue had been handled as public health problem from the get go, hundreds of thousands of American lives would have been saved. Instead, President Trump minimized the danger 'in order to avoid panicking America'. Fear is a powerful emotion that can be used productively. Trump invokes fear for his own purposes often.

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