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You Just Don't Get It Do You?

You Just Don't Get It Do You?  

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Author: Jett   Date: 8/25/2021 12:48:46 PM  +2/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

The exact number is elusive, but most experts agree that somewhere around 90% is the key number, if we as a country were around 90% fully vaccinated, COVID would just go away. A virus is only as good as it's next victim, when it runs out of victims it's done for all practical purposes. 

Your statement that getting the jab is to protect yourself not others is absolutely wrong, you should get your jab to protect yourself and to protect others. When you get your jab you are helping to get our country to a percentage high enough to get rid of COVID which is helping both you and your fellow citizens. Can you put aside the Donnie "It's All About Me" crap for a moment and consider others?

The electronic cards are already being issued by private companies, I have one. Examples are "Clear Health Pass", "IBM Digital Health Pass", "Smart", and others. Businesses in my community are already requiring them to access their services and more are joining daily. I want to be able to dine in a restaurant and know that all of the employees and customers are vaccinated, it makes for a much more relaxing and enjoyable environment, the same goes for airline flights, markets, etc.

No, we don't need to be checking for anything else at this point because only COVID is causing these problems. No, there should be no list of employee medical records at any business, that's private information. COVID vaccinations are different, we need them to protect all. 

Extreme Righties don't have to get their jab, it's not required by law. But it's absolutely right and just to require proof of vaccination in public settings to protect all citizens. 

By the way the last time I checked, I think Idaho was in the top five of the lowest percentage of vaccinated citizens in the country. That's Pathetic, you people should be ashamed of yourselves.

As JFK so rightfully said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"...       

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