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Paying 30 MILLION Dollars In 1 Tax Year ...

Paying 30 MILLION Dollars In 1 Tax Year ...  

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Author: obumazombie   Date: 6/4/2021 9:48:13 PM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Is, according to libz, paying no taxes.

30 MILLION, is all the taxes 1 man should have to pay in their lifetime.

Compared to Trump, you paid no taxes.

It would take you 50 years of paying taxes, to pay even 1 million in taxes.

In 300 years, at least 3 lifetimes, you wouldn't equal Trump.

So Trump is at least 300 times the man you are, which isn't a large challenge.

But, whatever.

You said Trump isn't President anymore, and that was the top priority to make you happy.

But you ACT unhappy.

What is it now, lib, among all the insignificant irritations that bother you libz?
Why is it impossible to give you libz EXACTLY what you say will make you happy, and then you are more miserable than ever?
What is it, lib?
Is it a matter of constant unhappiness over a...


Good job Goodlibs?

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