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“Vaccine Hesitancy”

“Vaccine Hesitancy”  

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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 6/9/2021 4:45:27 PM  +6/-7  

The latest euphemism for: 

"Fuck no, I'm not getting a shot! 

Why do the Dems want everyone to get a shot?

Clue: has nothing to do with CV19!


1. if people resist getting this shot and people don't die like the bubonic plaque 

the whole pretense for the mask mandates, 6.6 trillion dollars printed at our expense, 

and the utter foolishness of Creepy Joe's daily pleadings 

are shown to be what they are.., that's the first thing, a loss of credibility 

( as if they have any! An undeniable loss of credibility, I mean)

2. if only a minority voluntarily take the shot they will never get the populace to accept Covid passports. This would limit their control, and they don't want this because it interferes with their draconian plans for the population yet to be seen. 

In any event, power is permission, and permission is money. No power no premission needed, no money extorted. That's why Democrats are all power mad! 
Follow the money!

Useful Idiots! 

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