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There is no way of knowing how much damage was done or even IF damage was

There is no way of knowing how much damage was done or even IF damage was   

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Author: TheCrow   Date: 9/2/2022 3:39:06 PM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

There is no way of knowing how much damage was done or even IF damage was done to American interests.

Proper security practices and access control provide a way to evaluate the potential of compromised classified information. If, as reported, the documents were not secured in accordance with conventional standards, there is no way of knowing who Trump or other members of the household allowed access to the information.

This was a vivid demonstration of poor judgment by former president Trump. This is comparable with his poor judgment in dealing with the potential damage to Americans by his delayed response to the novel coronavirus: in and of itself a spectacular failure responsible for hundreds of thousands of excess Americans dying of Covid-19 out of more than a million dead to date. Not to mention the damage done to the American economy.

There are records of who last held the documents. Those persons or the last custodian, are under serious threat of prosecution. Trump doesn't care who ends up with the short stick any more than he is/was concerned with proper document security practices.

ONE of the investigations in various municipalities will result in Trump's prosecution. He will never be convicted but he may well compromise denying criminal intent but admitting some errors that might otherwise be prosecutable.

Only an idiot would trust Trump to keep any oath or promise or accept any responsibility for his actions. A vivid demonstration of an antisocial personality even if he doesn't meet all the standards of sociopath. His interests are paramount above all moral principles. Very, very odd that he controls the law and order party, the Republican Party....

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The Trove of Top Secret Documents littered all over Trump's house +3/-0 bladeslap 9/2/2022 2:58:53 PM