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The stakes just got higher

The stakes just got higher  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 9/2/2022 11:03:02 PM  +2/-0  

New court documents released show

1. Trump, under subpoena was supposed to keep all teh classified documents (which he was not supposed to have) under a reinforced lock in a room that had to be made secure

2. Trump's lawyers denied he had any more classified documents

3. Upon searching parts of Trump's house, in the non-secured area, they found he had moved documents against the court ordered subpoana

Now, you brilliant Alt-righters...CHeck -- Mate --

Obstruction of justice?

Gross mishandling of classified documents against a court ordered subpoena?

His own lawyers representing he had no other documents and not only he did, but he moved them out of the secured area and co-mingled them with this magazines and other stuff...

At this point, if you dont' see the harm he has done and his recklessness, then I'm speechless..

How many crimes have been committed?

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The stakes just got higher +2/-0 bladeslap 9/2/2022 11:03:02 PM