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Author: Shooting Shark   Date: 9/5/2022 7:35:33 AM  +5/-2  

I'm looking forward to collecting our Bet, Buddha.

Sir Observer II said you accepted it.. I musta missed where you did

$1500 isn't much to save up over the next two years--

till the end of this fake,  fraudulently-elected president's term in January 2025

You know.. I was thinking-- let's make it  more interesting 


If as i predict the "Red Wave" sweeps the house and senate

and serious investigations will begin of Creepy Joes connection to Hunters's Chineede 

"buisiness deals" ( Bobulinski - his partner is on record implicating Creepy Joe)

( you talk about a security risk.. Jreepy Joe is the literal "Manchurian Candidate! )


I predict There will be a finding by a grand jury of Creepy Joe's guilt, within two years of Republican control of the house and senate.2028) 

Given the present corruption in Washington and the deep state , that event would be monumental!

So when I win the bet and Trump isn't even indicted, much less convicted of ANYTHING

Ill give you your $1500 back if Creepy Joe is never pronounced guity by a federal invetigation by Jan 2029.

That assumes CUJ remains alive until then ..

the demented old fool !!

and Hunter doesn't die of AIDS

or a Cocaine be overdose..

Useful idiots! 



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Our Bet +5/-2 Shooting Shark 9/5/2022 7:35:33 AM