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A message to Pooty and Old guy

A message to Pooty and Old guy  

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 9/6/2022 7:41:26 AM  +4/-0  

Joe is 100% correct - MAGA people, like Old guy and Pooty, represent an existential threat to this country and our democracy.

My parents taught me a very valuable lesson growing up. "Look at the character of a man and everything else will fall into place"

Anybody, who claims to be "of the spirit", who supports a man who does this:



And then someone who talks about sexually assaulting women:



This is WHO you support ... this is who you believe ... 

Trump even tried to deny this at first: Trump has started suggesting the Access Hollywood tape is fake. It’s not. - Vox

Pooty, you're so deep into the lies and scandals of this person...But I want to remind you of who and what he is. I want to remind you of the CHARACTER of who you are following...of who you are supporting.

I know you'll never change and you refuse to look at this for what it is. 

Everything else aside, my heart and soul can never support a human being who exhibits this kind of behavior ... Someone who Rips off countless of people for his own gain

Federal court approves $25 million Trump University settlement (

Or that Trump ordered to pay 2 million for illegal activitiies in his "Foundation" - The Federal judge said "
"Mr. Trump’s fiduciary duty breaches included allowing his campaign to orchestrate the Fundraiser, allowing his campaign, instead of the Foundation, to direct distribution of the Funds, and using the Fundraiser and distribution of the Funds to further Mr. Trump’s political campaign," Scarpulla wrote in her decision Thursday.

Pooty, you have no choice but to follow him. He aligns with your conspiracy theories and helps you to promulgate your hatred - 

One thing my Parents taught me - Look at the character of a man and everything else will fall into place - 

I've done that ... Have you?

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A message to Pooty and Old guy +4/-0 bladeslap 9/6/2022 7:41:26 AM