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Finally, the study of studies - How Well does the Covid-19 Vaccine protect

Finally, the study of studies - How Well does the Covid-19 Vaccine protect   

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Author: bladeslap   Date: 9/8/2022 9:14:09 PM  +4/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Pretty Small Sample?

They tested the Omicron Variant which peaked in that period of time. That's what the study was about.

The study was 192,509 People

That's a pretty LARGE sample. 

The data is highly conclusive.

You need to stop with your conspiracy theories and for once say "ya, I was wrong about that"...because you were

You think your anecdotal "I had covid and nothing happened" tells the story about 192,000+ patients, 10.5x more who died?

If you want to talk science and studied and fact, let's do so

If you want to cite anecdotal instances, like yourself, then you can go talk to yourself, because it's nonsense... Your explanations are what bar talk and senseless uneducated explanations are about - Seriously

I'm going to remind you .. right before the eleciton, based on YOUR anecdotal experience, you said "I don't know anyone who said they're voting for Biden" ...

Biden got, how many, 7 million more votes?

You need to step back and realize that your anecdotal experience is not commensurate to the population as a whole.


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Finally, the study of studies - How Well does the Covid-19 Vaccine protect +3/-1 bladeslap 9/8/2022 3:39:52 PM